Homemade Salisbury Steak Recipe

Salisbury steak is essentially a chopped steak with a few extra ingredients mixed in with the ground meat and then is served with pan gravy.

– 2 pounds ground beef      85/10 – ½ pound ground pork – 1 peeled small-diced      yellow onion – 4 finely minced garlic      cloves – 2 egg yolks – 1 egg – 1 cup breadcrumbs – 2 teaspoons      Worcestershire sauce


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– ¼ cup cooking oil – 4 cups sliced button      mushrooms – 2 tablespoons unsalted      butter – ¼ cup all-purpose flour – 4 cups beef stock – Salt and pepper to taste – finely minced fresh      parsley for garnish


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Add the beef, pork, onions, 2 finely minced garlic cloves, eggs, breadcrumbs, Worcestershire, salt, and pepper to a large bowl and mix thoroughly.


Form 7-8 large beef patties and place on a platter and set aside.


Add the oil to a very large frying pan or rondeau pot over medium to medium-high heat.

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